Sunday, November 15, 2015


We got up on Wednesday and mom and dad said we were skipping school to go out. We were in the car for two hours which most kids would consider relay boring.Tip listen to audiobooks in the car it makes even the most wild kids want to get in the car. We passed lot's of very amazing  views and wildflowers.
We finally made it to lunch, I was hungry.We had lunch at an Italian (Italian I love Italian) restaurant called Casa Vecchia. After we went to see the stone man, he carves pictures into stone, he is relay hard to find but it's worth it.
From the time you see it it looks like a mountain farm, the gate is closed so park up the hill there is a flat spot to park. The little gate (the one I am not sitting on in the picture above) opens so just walk down the hill. Last time I went no one knew who or where he was so, I will try to give you directions the best I can. After you open the gate walk down but don't turn any where, then you will see another gate I think it's brown, go through that gate and then keep going straight. NEVER TURN then you see a wooden gate in green and go through, then you will see like a turn to the right and see a sign and a house that's when you turn that way. You walk in you see some cool stone carvings.
Then you get on the mountain and you see the real wonder. The cravings look real it's amazing to just look at the carvings. My favorite carving is the elephant it looks really cute so if you go please give elle (Yes I named the stone don't judge me) a hug for me.
We went to a waterfall after and I thought I was gonna be to cold to swim. When we got there though I decided that I could swim in my clothes. This is an example of my craziness.
So I ended up walking back to the car wet. After we went back and stopped in Matagalpa for some Kiss Me ice cream this is relay good ice cream I totally recommend it.We got pizza from  La Vita Bella it's down an alley in matagalpa it is hard to find for the first time so I will help you all I can it is next to a pharmacy with carton people on the sign. Your welcome.

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